On Coming of Age...

Happy New Year, folks! Last week has been a kind of revelation... nothing to be really proud of... a little disorientating, to put it mildly. Loads of things happened to make me feel that I'm, well... not that young... anymore. So I thought about it... and I have here my own list of the top ten (in no particular order) signs that you can look for, to determine whether or not you've had a reasonable amount of progress in terms of age..

  1. When most of the bottles and jars in your shower rack or dressing table have some version of the word "age-defying" on them.
  2. When the beauty parlor lady begins to plead with you to at least now, colour your "virgin head of hair".. and the top reason is not because it "improves your hair quality" or "makes your hair softer" but because it "will hide your greys for longer". (What!?!? I have grey hair?? I was in denial all this while I guess!!)
  3. When you suddenly feel that you're being stared at by one and all while you're browsing in the Misses section in the clothes department.
  4. When you think of the last ten parties you've been to and the list only includes birthdays of toddlers.
  5. When you find yourself checking a higher age-range while filling a form.
  6. When the list of your routine medical tests gets just a tad longer.
  7. When you hear from an old friend after a number of years which is greater than how many you believe you've been alive for!
  8. When you suddenly find that if a teenager is calling out to "Aunty..", its you they are referring to.
  9. When you meet your niece/nephew after a long time and you realise that she/he's not a teenager any more!
  10. When the bhaaji-wallah starts to address you as "Behen-ji" as opposed to the "Shishter" title you've gotten used to.
When I shared these thoughts with a few friends they definitely tried to make me feel better with words like "Yummy Mummy" and "still the same cartoon I knew five years ago" flying around... thanks, guys. Still I guess I will take a few days to get over this disconcerting feeling! My sons are being a great help though... I can really be a kid with them!! :) Its fun jumping around and yelling and singing like no one's watching... or listening. So here's to a new year full of happy things to look forward to. If you've got ears, say "Cheers!"
Have a great 2009!


  1. Cynic in Wonderland said...
    11- Or when you start actually remembering stuff of a decade or two ago.
    12- when teenagers refer to you as aunty argh.

    you know there was this statement i had read in a book about emotional age - viz. if someone beans you on the head and asks you your age what is the number you will reply with? Mine i suspect is round about 22 if not younger. Sighhhhhhhhhh
    Shachii said...
    I've taught my son to say that I'm 23 in case someone asks him how old his mom is!! ;)
    Cynic in Wonderland said...
    ..as long as he is under five that should work hehe.

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