This is a story that’s often been told
Of Peter Pan – the boy who never grows old
Wendy, Michael and John meet one night
A boy in green and a fairy so light.
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell are they
Who fly the kids up, up and away
To Neverland, a place so fair
With many creatures fine and rare.
But pirates roam all over this land
Their Captain has a hook for a hand
That was eaten up by a mean, green croc
With a clock in his tummy that goes Tick Tock
Tinker Bell flies them through the land so wide
Captain Hook catches them and has them all tied
The kids cry for help, but Tinker gets away
She quickly calls Peter to come save the day.
With a swish of his sword and a push in the water,
Peter Pan feeds Hook to the clock-throated crocker!
Now that you know what happened that day,
So the Rickshaw driver dream that AM had seems to have been a fleeting one... He woke up in the middle of the night just to announce that he's now thinking of being an Actor again! Hmm.. How about that?
Labels: career choices, kids
So AM now wants to be a rickshaw driver. How cool is that?! This is making IM want to be a tractor driver. I've been spending many-a-morning trying to convince AM that even rickshaw drivers need to go to school ... at least to be able to read street names ;)
Labels: career choices, kids